Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Edge Central - Let's Encrypt - Free SSL Certificates For All!

Edge Central is proud to offer Free SSL Certificates for all Personal and Business shared hosting customers in partnership with Let's Encrypt. All new and existing customers now have the certificate installed on all compatible domains and subdomains in your hosting account.

Let's Encrypt is a free and fully automated certificate authority (CA) available for the benefit of all websites on the internet. They provide, for free, a certificate to enable HTTPS (SSL/TLS) for websites. Why do this? Because the founders believe in creating a more secure internet.

This certificate does not replace any Business name or E-Commerece validated paid SSL certificates.

For more information regarding these certificates please follow the link: SSL Certificates, Secure your site and add trust & confidence for your visitors.

What You Need To Know:

Check Automatic installation and renewal for all Edge Central Business and Personal hosting customers, we take care of all the technical stuff, you just need to add https:// in front of your domain in your chosen web browser.

Check Secure access to your website when using HTTPS. All traffic between your website and it's visitors will be encrypted.

View Let's Encrypt FAQ'S

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